
Interested in Ordering a Server from Black Rock Hosting


Thank you for your interest.
We have a wide range of servers to lease as well as other services.
Please visit to place your order.

For the duration of an approved lease, all details of the Terms of Agreement must be adhered to while leasing a server from Black Rock Hosting.

Use the drop downs to choose a configuration and "build" your server.
Once you have chosen your options, can checkout and place the order.

We now offer servers world wide, so please be sure to explore the 'Regions' option when ordering.

Once approved, additional IP's can be added to any setup. They are an additional $10USD/month per additional IP. (Please note, IP ranges can not be assigned or guaranteed.)

Leases are month to month using the payment method you select when ordering.
All payments are made through the Black Rock Hosting Customer Portal, and you have a choice between credit card or Paypal payments.

Please let us at know if you have any questions.
We look forward to working with you!

Thank you

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